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CMU 3.0: time for a paradigm change?
In the last decade the EU has become increasingly aware that, in the face of ever-growing challenges, it will only be able to successfully compete with other major jurisdictions and implement the Twin Transitions...
Last week, the second residential week of the SSM Foundation Programme took place at the beautiful premises of Banco de Portugal in Lisbon. Supervisors attending the programme had again the opportunity to get together, fostering professional relationships that will accompany them throughout their careers.
The first day of the residential week started with a very engaging Climate Fresk session, a workshop designed to deepen the participants’ understanding of climate science and inspire actionable steps, using cards based on IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) reports.
Throughout the week, participants expanded and consolidated their knowledge on several core supervisory topics, such as capital requirements, liquidity risk, and internal governance. Mário Centeno, Governor of Banco de Portugal, and Rui Pinto, Member of the Board of Directors at the same institution, delivered inspiring speeches during the networking events held at prestigious locations in Lisbon.
Participants will continue their journey with a new online block before concluding the programme in Florence in June with the delivery of their capstone study and the graduation ceremony.
We are glad to be part of this innovative learning journey built by the SSM Training team at the European Central Bank, which will contribute to uniting the SSM community and fostering a cohesive supervisory culture across Europe.