The journey towards making banks resolvable – An assessment by Dr. Elke König

The Florence School of Banking and Finance, Fondazione CESIFIN Alberto Predieri and Fondazione CR Firenze are organising a high-level lecture by Elke König, Chair of the Single Resolution Board.


In her lecture, Dr. Konig will briefly introduce the EU framework for resolution, then explain how the SRB conceives and works (with the banks under its remit) on resolvability, and finally give an assessment on the state of play and next steps. More in details, the lecture will cover:

  • the EU regulatory framework and the SRB policy which constitute the basis for the work by the SRB and the banks on resolvability;
  • a more detailed description of the priority areas to be addressed by banks to achieve resolvability;
  • some insights into the SRB work on these areas; an assessment of the progress made so far.

Elke König

Chair of the Single Resolution Board

Dr Elke König is Chair of the SRB, being responsible for the management of the organisation, the work of the Board, the budget, all staff, and the Executive and Plenary sessions of the Board. The General Counsel, the Policy Coordination and International Relations Unit, the Communications office and the Internal Audit function report directly to her. She was President of the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) from 2012 until 2015. After qualifying in business administration and obtaining a doctorate, Dr König spent many years working for companies in the financial and insurance sector. From 1980 to 1990, she worked for KPMG Deutsche Treuhandgesellschaft in Cologne, auditing and advising insurance undertakings, from 1986 as a holder of a special statutory authority (Prokuristin) and from 1988 as a director and partner. From 1990 to 2002, Dr König was a member of the senior management of the Munich Re Group (Head of Accounting); she then moved to Hannover Rückversicherung AG as Chief Financial Officer. From 2010 to the end of 2011, Dr König was a member of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in London. Dr König was also a representative of the Supervisory Board of the Single Supervisory Mechanism.


  • 16:00 Registration and welcome coffee
  • 16:35 Opening remarks
    • Lorenzo Stanghellini (Professor of Business Law, University of Florence)
  • 16:45 Lecture
    • Elke König (Chair, Single Resolution Board)
  • 17:30 Interventions by discussants
    • Elena Carletti (Scientific Director, Florence School of Banking and Finance)
    • Lorenzo Gai (Professor of Economics, University of Florence)
  • 17:50 Questions and answers with the public
    • Moderated by Federico Fubini (Corriere della Sera)
    • Panelists: Elke König, Elena Carletti, Lorenzo Gai
  • 18:35 Closing remarks
    • Renaud Dehousse (President, European University Institute)
  • 18:45 Cocktail for all participants
  • 19:30 Restricted dinner for speakers and selected guests (upon invitation)



Fondazione CESIFIN Alberto Predieri

Fondazione CR Firenze

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