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30/01/2023 - 24/02/2023
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This course is fully booked. To request inclusion in the waiting list, contact fbf@eui.eu
The Bank Resolution Online Academy will foster a deep and comprehensive understanding of the EU bank resolution rules and procedures. This 4-week online Academy is designed to provide participants from different backgrounds (public authorities, private practitioners and academics) with the opportunity to sharpen their knowledge on bank resolution, and to put in practice many of its building blocks and core elements via ‘learning by doing’.
The Academy’s instructors will deliver an overview on the EU resolution framework, including the revised Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive and the Single Resolution Mechanism Regulation, on the resolution objectives and on recovery and resolution planning. Particular emphasis will be given to more technical aspects such as the calibration of the Minimum Requirement for own funds and Eligible Liabilities (MREL)/Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity (TLAC), the external sources of resolution financing subject to state aid assessment, the role of deposit guarantee schemes in resolution, and the different valuation scenarios. The Bank Resolution Online Academy will also foster a dialogue about the future challenges for the EU resolution framework, as well as the changes that will be potentially brought by the Crisis Management Deposit Insurance review . Finally, the Academy will engage with the more practical aspects of a resolution process, including the different roles assigned to national and EU authorities and the need to manage Non-Performing Loans.
The online Academy combines self-paced progression moments (with pre-recorded lectures) and live online activities. It also includes multiple instructor-led occasions for participants to work in groups (in breakout rooms and in forum discussions), including a simulation exercise of a resolution process.
In general, I am very satisfied with the course. There is a lot of material, organizational effort, high quality speakers and it has helped me improve my knowledge in resolution, which will be very useful for my work. Thank you very much
Participant in the 2022 edition of the Academy
After having completed the Academy, participants will be able to:
- Go through the EU resolution framework (Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive and Single Resolution Mechanism Regulation) and its main objectives
- Grasp the key goals of recovery and resolution planning
- Examine the rules to calibrate the Minimum Requirement for own funds and Eligible Liabilities (MREL) and the Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity (TLAC), including those introduced by the 2019 Banking Package
- Identify the goals of resolution financing: differences between loss absorption and liquidity support tools
- Analyse the pre-conditions to access external public sources of funding resolution
- Assess the sources of state aid support in and outside resolution, as well as deposit guarantee schemes
- Understand the expected changes that will be potentially brought by the Crisis Management Deposit Insurance review
- Recognise the possible resolution options available for non-viable banks under the EU resolution framework
- Evaluate the future challenges to the EU resolution framework, including the management of Non-Performing Loans
Module 1: Background and Fundamentals of Bank Resolution
Module 2: The Resolution Process
Module 3: Recovery and Resolution Planning
Module 4: Navigating through MREL and TLAC Rules
Module 5: The Funding of Bank Resolution
Module 6: The Role of State Aid and of DGS in Resolution
Module 7: Management of NPLs and Revisiting the EU Crisis Management and Deposit Protection EU Framework
Module 8: Walking Through a Resolution Case and Putting All the Elements Together
All times are in CET
- Kick-off Session: Monday, 30 January, 2.00-3.00 PM
- 1st Live Class (MREL and TLAC-Based on a Fictitious Scenario): Tuesday, 7 February, 1.00-3.00 PM – Optional
- 2nd Live Class (State Aid and DGS in Resolution): Tuesday, 14 February, 1.00-2.30 PM
- 3rd Live Class (Management of NPLs and the Review of the EU Crisis Management Framework): Monday, 20 February, 1.00-3.00 PM
- 4th Live Class (Resolution in Practice) and Wrap-up of the Course: Friday, 24 February, 12.00-3.00 PM
Course directors
Seraina Grünewald
Part-time Professor - Florence School of Banking and Finance
University of St. Gallen
Emiliano Tornese
Part-time Professor - Florence School of Banking and Finance
European Commission
Tobias Tröger
Chair of Private Law, Trade and Business Law, Jurisprudence
Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
Pamela J. Farwig
US Treasury Office of Technical Assistance Banking and Financial Services Team
Michael H. Krimminger
Senior Counsel
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP
Guest speaker
Dominique Laboureix
Member of FBF Advisory Council
Single Resolution Board
Teaching associate
FBF Team
Chiara Bajet
Project Associate - Online Training
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
Maria Ana Barata
Research Associate
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
Jan Trevisan
Online Training Officer
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
Claudia Luchetti
Executive Training Assistant
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
The Academy takes place from 30 January to 24 February 2023.
- € 1200 – Private Sector
- € 1100 – Public Authorities (e.g. National Competent Authorities, Central Banks) and European Institutions
- € 850 – Full-Time Professors, PhD Students, Research Associates
Please submit a certificate attesting your status of Professor, PhD Student or Research Associate to fbf@eui.eu before registering. FBF secretariat will provide you with a code to register. Seats for academics are limited.
Please note that the payment must be settled one week before the start of the course.
A certificate of attendance will be provided to all participants after the course.
- In case you can no longer attend the course, you are required to inform the organisers by sending an email to fbf@eui.eu in order to free a seat for participants in the waiting list.
- In case of frequent cancellations, FBF reserves the right not to accept further registrations from the same person.
For more details, please contact fbf@eui.eu