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Better boards for better banks

Board members have significant responsibilities related to assuring good governance and resilience of banks. Since the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis, it has been widely recognised that a bank’s resilience and its ability...

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In an unprecedented effort to deal with the effects of the global pandemic crisis, the European Council adopted a historic and extraordinary package for the European recovery earlier this week. The EU recovery plan builds on the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and is reinforced by a specific recovery effort called Next Generation EU (NGEU).

As part of our COVID-19 online events series, this FBF online seminar will discuss with Jean-Pierre Vidal (Chief Economic Advisor of the President of the European Council Charles Michel) the content and features of this ambitious package. The seminar will also explore how the adopted measures may mitigate the current economic slowdown, including the opportunity to accelerate the green and digital transitions.


Elena Carletti (Bocconi University and Florence School of Banking and Finance, European University Institute)

Elena Carletti is Professor of Finance at Bocconi University. She is also at the Florence School of Banking and Finance at the European University Institute, is a member of Board of Directors of Unicredit SpA and a member of the Advisory Scientific Committee of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB). Furthermore, she is research professor at the Bundesbank, a member of the Expert Panel on banking supervision for the European Parliament, a member of the Scientific Committee “Paolo Baffi Lecture” at the Bank of Italy, a member of Bruegel Scientific Committee, Research Fellow at CEPR, Fellow of the Finance Theory Group, CESifo, IGIER, and Wharton Financial Institutions Center. She is the author of numerous articles on Financial Intermediation, Financial Crises and Regulation, Competition Policy, Corporate Governance and Sovereign Debt.




Jean-Pierre Vidal, (Chief Economic Advisor of Charles Michel, President of the European Council)

Jean-Pierre Vidal is Chief Economic Advisor to Charles Michel, President of the European Council. Until December 2019 he headed the Policy and Strategy Division in the Economics Department of the European Investment Bank. He was Counsellor to the Executive Board of the European Central Bank from September 2016 to June 2019. He previously was Chief Economic Advisor to European Council President Donald Tusk, and a member of the cabinet of the first permanent President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy. He held several positions at the European Central Bank: Head of the ECB Representative Office in Brussels (2011-2012), Deputy Head of the Monetary Policy Strategy Division (2007-2011), and Head of the Fiscal Analysis Section (2004-2007). Before joining the ECB as economist in 2000, he worked as senior researcher at the ‘Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique’ (CNRS). Jean-Pierre holds an MBA from ESSEC business school (‘Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales’) and a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Cambridge.

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