Series: Online seminars

  1. Acting SWIFTly? A discussion on meaningful financial measures to impede Russia’s war

    Thorsten Beck (Director of the Florence School of Banking and Finance and Professor of Financial Stability at the European University Institute) and Sony Kapoor (Professor of Climate, Geoeconomics & Finance at the European University Institute)

    3 March 2022

  2. Private Equity & Markets in the COVID context

    Speakers: Helmut Kraemer-Eis (Chief Economist, European Investment Fund) and Sophie Manigart (Professor, Vlerick Business School) Chair: Thorsten Beck (The Business School (formerly Cass) and Florence School of Banking and Finance, European University Institute)

    25 March 2021

  3. Green(ish) Bonds?

    Speakers: Gianfranco Gianfrate (EDHEC Business School), Justine Leigh-Bell (Climate Bonds Initiative) Moderator: Thorsten Beck (Cass Business School and Florence School of Banking and Finance, European University Institute)

    25 February 2021

  4. Big Tech and Fintech credit

    Speakers Jon Frost (Bank for International Settlements), Philippe Paech (London School of Economics) and Loriana Pelizzon (SAFE/Goethe University) Moderated by Thorsten Beck (Cass Business School and Florence School of Banking and Finance, European University Institute)

    28 January 2021

  5. Securitisation in Europe – which way forward?

    Speakers: - Patrizia Canziani(Structured Finance Professional) - Bertrand Chavasse (BNP Paribas) - Bart Joosen (VU Amsterdam) - Pablo Portugal (Association for Financial Markets in Europe – AFME) Moderator: Jean-Jacques van Helten (Florence School of Banking and Finance, European University Institute)

    25 November 2020

  6. Non-Performing Loans (NPLs): A Critical Stock-Take

    Speakers: - Nicoletta Mascher (European Stability Mechanism) - Charles-Antoine Dozin (Morgan Stanley) - Nicolas Véron (Peterson Institute for International Economics and Bruegel) Moderator: Elena Carletti (Bocconi University and Florence School of Banking and Finance, European University Institute)

    29 October 2020

  7. CCP Recovery and Resolution: insights beyond the end of the waterfall

    - Ron Berndsen, Tilburg University and LCH - Marc Peters, European Commission DG FISMA - (moderator) Thorsten Koeppl, Queen's University

    1 October 2020

  8. Bank-Fintech collaboration and outsourcing arrangements: The case for a mentorship regime

    Speakers: Luca Enriques (University of Oxford) and Georg Ringe (University of Hamburg) Commentator: Anna Maria Nowak (EUI)

    31 March 2020

  9. Emergency Liquidity Assistance in the Eurosystem

    Speaker: Christos Gortsos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) Commentator: Vítor Constâncio (former Vice-President of the European Central Bank)

    17 February 2020

  10. A European Perspective on Securitisation

    Speakers: - Bart Joosen (VU University Amsterdam and Recofise) - Simon Broxham (Duver Consulting) - Richard Hopkin (AFME)

    10 February 2020

  11. Low Interest Rates: a License to Accumulate (Public) Debt?

    Speaker: Daniel Gros (CEPS)

    9 January 2020

  12. Liquidity Stress Testing for Investment Funds

    Speaker: Christian Winkler (ESMA)

    11 December 2019

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