Series: #FBFPills

  1. Modelling Loan Demand in Sustainable Finance

    Steven Ongena (University of Zurich and Swiss Finance Institute)

    31 January 2022

  2. The Too-Big-To-Fail Regulatory Dilemma

    Maria Ana Barata (Research Associate at the Florence School of Banking, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute)

    31 January 2022

  3. Four Lessons from Sovereign Debt Problems in the COVID Crisis

    Anna Gelpern (Law Professor at Georgetown and Fellow at the Peter Institute for International Economics)

    31 January 2022

  4. Supervisory Equivalence after Brexit

    Ignazio Angeloni (Research fellow, Harvard Kennedy School and Senior policy fellow, Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE at the Goethe University Frankfurt).

    31 January 2022

  5. The impact of EU banking supervision on non-EU countries

    Thorsten Beck (Director of the Florence School of Banking and Finance, Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute)

    31 January 2022

  6. The economics of cooperation between bank supervisors across borders

    Thorsten Beck (Director of the Florence School of Banking and Finance, Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute)

    31 January 2022

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