21 Apr 2022
Series: COVID-19 Impact
Mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on the insurance and occupational pensions sectors in Europe
Recording of the online debate held on 16 September 2020.
16 September 2020
Consolidation in the EU Banking Sector
Recording of the online debate held on 21 July 2020.
21 July 2020
Assessing the Preliminary Impact of COVID-19 on the EU Banking Sector
Recording of the online debate held on 2 July 2020.
2 July 2020
Restraining Dividends (and other Pay-Outs)
Recording of the event on 24 June 2020.
24 June 2020
The French-German COVID-19 Recovery Plan
Recording of the debate held on 18 June 2020.
18 June 2020
ECB Policies in COVID-19 Times
Recording of the event held on 10 June 2020.
10 June 2020
Credit Ratings and the COVID-19 crisis
Recording of the online debate on 4 June 2020.
4 June 2020
SSM supervisory measures in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Recording of the online debate held on 28 May 2020.
28 May 2020
Which (feasible) new Reconstruction Instrument(s) does Europe need?
Speakers: - Marco Buti (European Commission); - Luis Garicano (Member of the European Parliament and Professor of Economics and Innovation, IE Business School – on leave); - Ramon Marimon (Pierre Werner Chair); - Jean Pisani-Ferry (Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair) Moderator: - Elena Carletti (Bocconi University and Florence School of Banking and Finance, European University Institute)
20 May 2020
Rationale and Limitations of ‘SURE’
Online debate held on 15 May 2020. Joint event Bruegel - Florence School of Banking and Finance
15 May 2020
SME Financing in the COVID-19 Context
Joint event by the Florence School of Banking & Finance and Oliver Wyman Forum.
29 April 2020