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Can the Banking Union foster market integration, and what lessons does this hold for Capital Markets Union?
At the request of the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON), the authors discuss the contribution of the Banking Union in its current form to market integration in the euro area. While...
This paper discusses financial sector priorities for the European Union in the next five years. We discuss the progress that has been made in several areas, in digital finance, anti-money laundering and micro- and macroprudential regulation, and also areas in which progress has stalled, most prominently in completing the Banking Union and building a Capital Markets Union. We also note several areas in which additional regulatory and supervisory efforts need to be made: artificial intelligence, digital financial literacy and green financing. The agenda for financial sector policymakers in Europe for the next five years is a long one, but making Europe’s financial system more efficient can help speed up and deepen the twin transition and help foster innovation and growth.