The team

Valentina Borgonovi


Valentina Borgonovi was born in Florence and graduated with honors from Bocconi University in Milan in business economics. She began her professional career at Deloitte Consulting, where she held positions in the Finance and Risk Department, dealing mainly with securitisation transactions. She subsequently joined UniCredit where she has held multiple positions over the years. In 2010 she took the responsibility of Credit Treasury Risks Controls unit, overseeing structured transactions performed by the Group for principal investments, funding and risks optimization purposes. In 2013, Valentina moved to Group Distressed Asset Management team, responsible for development and execution of strategies regarding the disposal of impaired assets as outright sales or through securitizations and for joint ventures to manage impaired assets under alternative structures. She is now head of Non-Core Business and Portfolio Management structure, responsible for setting the strategies and monitoring the UniCredit Non-Core portfolio rundown.

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