The team

Rudolf Siebel
Rudolf Siebel is responsible for Legal, Statistics & Research and IT at BVI, the German asset man-agement and fund industry trade association. He represents the interests of the fund industry on the Technical Committee at the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). Rudolf Siebel was on the German SEPA Committee. He is Chair of the Trading, Reporting & Market Infrastructures Standing Committee of the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA). He has been appointed a member of the Finan-cial Stability Board (FSB) working group “Private Sector Preparatory Group”. This working group ad-vises the supervisory officials on the Financial Stability Board on introducing and developing the Le-gal Entity Identifier (LEI). He is Member of the German Asset Management Standards Committee (GAMSC) to support GIPS standards. Rudolf Siebel was a member of the European Post-Trade Fo-rum (EPTF) of the European Commission and he also was a member of the Consultative Working Group of ESMA’s Post Trading Standing Committee. He was Vice Chair of the international securities standardisation association, Securities Market Practice Group (SMPG). Previously, he was a Vice President – Senior Credit Officer with Moody´s Investors Service.