The team

Paul Disveld
Head of Section, Fit and Proper Division
ECB Banking Supervision
Paul is currently Head of Section within the Fit and Proper Division of the ECB Banking Supervision. He is responsible for managing a section of 12 staff whose objectives are twofold: 1) perform high quality and risk-based Fit and Proper assessments of members of management bodies of Significant Institutions, and 2) develop horizontal analysis and policy stances, with the aim to support consistency and quality of the Fit and Proper work and policies, in close collaboration with internal ECB stakeholders and national competent authorities in the Member States. Before starting his current function on January 2023, Paul was for two years ad-interim Head of Section of the Crisis Management Division of ECB Banking Supervision. Prior to joining the ECB, he worked in several business areas of the Central Bank of the Netherlands, including Financial Stability, Banking Supervision and Resolution. From 2012-2014 he was a project manager responsible for ensuring that all the large and medium-sized banks in the Netherlands would develop recovery plans. Paul holds a Master´s degree from the University of Groningen in economics.