The team

Pablo Sinausia Rodriguez
Pablo Sinausia Rodriguez is a Policy Expert at the European Banking Authority, collaborating in the development of the technical standards and guidelines that implement the Securitisation Regulation and the CRR amendment. He is on secondment from Banco de España, which he joined after finishing his degree on Business Administration. He worked in various departments until 1996, year in which he started working for the private sector as CEO and manager of several companies. He re-joined Banco de España in 2010 as Senior Economist in the Regulation Department, being the Bank of Spain’s representative at the Basel Committee (Ratings and Securitisation Workstream), the EBA (Networks on ECAIs and Equivalence, and Subgroup of Securitisation and Covered Bonds), the European Council (Working Party on Financial Services Securitisation) and the SSM (Subgroup on Significant Risk Transfer).