The team

Olivier Salles
Head of AMLA Task Force
European Commission - DG FISMA
Graduated in political sciences in Paris Sorbonne, Olivier Salles has been an official in the European Commission for 30 years working in different departments. He has been in DG internal market and financial services (MARKT then FISMA) for more than 12 years, namely as Head of Budget and Human Resources just when the financial crisis started. He was also negotiator for trade agreements namely with Canada and the US. In 2014, he established and was interim Chair of the Single Resolution Board, the newly created EU resolution authority. He was also in charge of retail financial services and payments for a couple of year. He largely contributed to the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office in Luxembourg in 2018 and 2019, before working 2 years in the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). He is now back in DG FISMA to lead the AMLA Task Force.