The team

Olena Loboiko
Policy coordinator
European Commission DG FISMA
Olena Loboiko has joined European Commission in 2017 as a policy coordinator in the Banking Unit of DG FISMA, dealing with various aspects and topics of banking prudential regulation and policy (Pillar II, consolidated supervision, large exposures, operational risk, relations with the SSM and the European Banking Authority), including in the process of adoption of the so-called banking package (CRDV/CRR2). In addition to her work related to prudential legislation, Olena is a member of the FISMA AML team and has been involved in the development of all the recent AML-related policy and legislative initiatives of the Commission (2018 Communication and AML part of the ESA review proposal, recently adopted AML reports). Olena started her career in 2012 at De Nederlandsche Bank (Dutch Central Bank, DNB) as a policy advisor, working in various units of the Supervisory Policy Division. She was in charge of coordinating the relations with the European Banking Authority, including preparations and support of the DNB Board member’s participation in the EBA Board of the Supervisors meetings. She represented DNB in various international policy fora and expert groups of the Basel Committee and the European Banking Authority. Was responsible for a number of prudential areas of DNB’s technical assistance in implementation of Basel standards in third countries (in the context of IMF technical assistance framework), organised and conducted seminars and trainings on Basel 3 for third country experts in the Netherlands and in Ukraine. Olena has obtained her M.A. (cum laude) in International relations and Public International law from Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine, in 2010, and her L.L.M. (cum laude) in European and International public law from Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in 2011.