The team

Michael Wilkins

Imperial Centre for Climate Finance and Investment

Imperial College London


Michael Wilkins is Executive Director and Professor of Practice at the Centre For Climate Finance And Investment at the Business School. Until recently he was a Senior Research Fellow for Sustainable Finance at S&P Global Ratings and a Visiting Lecturer in sustainable finance at Cambridge University Judge Business School. Michael is a senior sustainable finance professional with 28 years’ experience in sustainable finance, corporate and infrastructure credit analysis, project finance, structured finance and carbon markets. Certified Credit Analyst (S&P/NYU), Executive MBA (Cass Business School) and Post-Graduate Certificate in Carbon Finance & Analytics (London Business School). He holds a BA (Joint Hons) in Modern Languages from Bristol University.

From 2016-21 he was a member of the Taskforce for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and on the GARP Sustainability & Climate Risk Certification Advisory Committee. He remains a member of the UK Centre for the Greening of Finance & Investment (CGFI) and Coalition for Climate Resilient Investment (CCRI).  His specialities include corporate and project finance credit analysis, sustainable finance, carbon markets, structured finance, environmental and climate risk research, team management, budgeting, strategic planning, acquisition integration and product development.

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