The team

Massimiliano Marcellino
Massimiliano Marcellino is professor of Econometrics in the Economics Department of Bocconi University, fellow of CEPR and IGIER, Scientific Advisor at the Florence School of Banking and Finance and Part-time Professor at the EUI, where previously he held the Pierre Werner Chair on the Economic and Monetary Union and was also Director of the Department of Economics. He has published over ninety academic articles in leading international journals on forecasting, econometrics, and empirical macroeconomics, his main areas of research and teaching. He has worked as a consultant for a number of central banks and international organizations, including the European Central Bank, Bundesbank, Bank of Italy, Swiss National Bank, Eurostat, European Commission, International Monetary Fund and Inter American Development Bank. He is currently an editor of the Journal of Forecasting and the coordinator of the European Forecasting Network.