The team

Luis Silva Morais
Tenured Professor
University of Lisbon Law School (FDUL)
Luis Silva Morais is Tenured Professor of EU Law, Financial and Competition Law at University of Lisbon Law School (FDUL). Jean Monnet Chair. Founder and Chair of CIRSF – Research Centre on Regulation and Supervision of the Financial Sector (www.cirsf.eu) – in scientific cooperation with the Bank of Portugal and the Portuguese Securities Commission. Vice Chair of the Appeal Panel of the Single Resolution Board (SRB). President of the Supervisory Council of the Portuguese Supervisory Authority of Insurance and Pension Funds (ASF). Member of the Reserve List of the EBA Banking Stakeholder Group (BSG) in the category of “Independent top-ranking academics.”
Founding Partner of Luís Silva Morais– Law Firm, rl. (www.lsmadvogados.com) – a boutique Law Firm with head-office in Lisbon. Member of EBI academic board. He has been Vice President of the Special Privatization Unit of the Portuguese Ministry of Finance (2001-2011). Member of the Executive Board of ASF (1998-2001) and Chief of Cabinet of the Secretary of State Finance (1995-1998) in the XIII Portuguese Government. He has been a NGA – Non Government Advisor at the ICN (International Competition Network).
As an academic and researcher Luis Silva Morais participates in various Working Groups and Scientific Committees organized by financial supervisory authorities. He has also participated in various Commissions preparing Draft Legislation in Portugal in the financial area and he is a regular Speaker in International Conferences and Seminars (in the EU and worldwide) in topics of Financial Regulation and Supervision and competition law, having also published extensively in these fields.
His Papers on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) can be accessed at: http://ssrn.com/author=1644131