The team

Katia Mastrodomenico
Head of Division - DG Horizontal Line Supervision
European Central Bank
Katia has more than 20 years of diversified experience in banking supervision, built at the Bank of Italy and the European Central Bank (ECB). Since October 2021, she is leading the Division Business Model, Capital and Crisis (BCC) in the DG Horizontal Line Supervision (DG-HOL) at the ECB/SSM. BCC is an international team of managers and highly qualified experts with know-how on banks’ business models sustainability, capital adequacy, and crisis preparedness and response. On these subjects, her team works in close cooperation with the supervisors directly responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the SSM banks by providing them with horizontal guidance, benchmarking analyses, and tools. BCC also participates in the definition of the ECB stance in international debates and legislative developments. Finally, the team contributes to the management of crisis situations when they occur, both at bank-specific and system levels.
Katia chairs the SSM Crisis Management Network and the EBA Sub-Group on Crisis Preparedness and Response (SG-CPR). She takes part in the dialogue with the industry and manages relationships with European and global stakeholders (e.g. SRB, EBA, FSB, FED/PRA) on the topics under the remit of my Division. Before leading BCC, since the start of the SSM, she has acted as Coordinator of the Joint Supervisory Teams (JSTC) in charge of the prudential supervision of large and complex European banks with different business models and risk profiles, including crisis banks and a GSIB.
Her experience at the Bank of Italy on a broad range of topics (e.g., LSIs supervision, validation of internal models, on-site inspections, regulation and methodologies, horizontal analysis) has been fundamental for forging my supervisory background and mindset.