The team

Jan Reinder De Carpentier
Single Resolution Board
Jan Reinder De Carpentier is the Vice-Chair of the Single Resolution Board and The Director of the Single Resolution Fund, Legal and Corporate Services.
A Dutch national, Jan Reinder started his career in 1995 as a lawyer in private practice in The Hague and Amsterdam and holds a master’s degree in civil and tax law from Erasmus University in Rotterdam. He joined the Dutch central bank in 2002 and held various management positions, with a focus on anti-money laundering supervision, legal advice, early intervention strategies and crisis management.
Jan Reinder De Carpentier joined the SRB in 2015 as General Counsel in charge of the Legal Service, SRB Secretariat and Compliance function, providing strategic legal advice across the organisation and to the Single Resolution Mechanism stakeholders. He became the SRB’s Vice-Chair in 2020.