The team

Jaap van Manen
Jaap van Manen (1950) is a former partner at PwC and emeritus professor of corporate governance at the Dutch University of Groningen. From 2013 to 2017, Jaap chaired the Dutch Corporate Governance Committee, which revised the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. From 2011 to 2018, Jaap was a member (vice chairman since 2015) of the Supervisory Board of the Nederlandsche Bank (the Dutch Central Bank). In 2018, he acted as an IMF central bank governance advisor.
Since January 2013, Jaap is member the Supervisory Board of Bornet Group Rotterdam. He also is a member of the Board of Directors of ‘Stichting Maatschappij en Veiligheid’ and member of the Board of Directors of ‘Stichting Globetrotter’. Jaap is a partner at Strategic Management Centre, which deals with issues related to corporate governance, strategy and processes in the boardroom. Jaap is the co-founder of BoardResearch.org, a research institute that facilitates the online self-evaluation of Boards of Directors and Supervisory Boards.
Jaap van Manen is a knight in the order of the Lion of the Netherlands.