The team

Eva Hüpkes
Eva Hüpkes is Head Regulatory and Supervisory Policies at Secretariat of the Financial Stability Board (FSB). Since she joined the FSB in 2009 she has contributed substantially to the development of the FSB/G20 post-crisis policy reforms, including the global standard on resolution (“Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes”) and subsequent guidance. She has played a pivotal role in promoting effective resolution of financial institutions as Secretary to the FSB’s groups working on resolution, as Co-Chair of the Basel Committee Working Group on Cross-Border Bank Resolution and as member of the Advisory Panel of the International Association of Deposit Insurers, and as author of numerous publications, including “Too big to save” -– towards a functional approach to resolving crises in global financial institutions” (2004) proposing the maxim “protect functions, not institutions” as guiding principle in the reform of national resolution regimes and ““Insolvency – why a special regime for banks?”(2005). Prior to joining the FSB, she served as Head of Regulation at the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). During 1997-1999 she worked at the International Monetary Fund where she supported the Fund’s response to the Asian financial crisis. Eva Hüpkes is a member of the New York Bar and holds degrees in law and international relations from the University of Geneva, the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, and Georgetown University, the University of Passau, Germany, and a PhD in law from the University of Berne.