The team

Endija Springe
Endija Springe is an AML/ CFT Policy Expert at the European Banking Authority (EBA). Since joining the EBA in 2017, Endija has led the development of the Supervisory Cooperation Guidelines, the Opinion on the use of innovative solutions in the CDD process, the Joint Opinion on ML/TF risks, and many more. Before joining the EBA, Endija worked as an AML/ CFT supervisor in the Central Bank of Ireland (a national competent authority responsible for supervising credit and financial institutions for compliance with AML/ CFT rules in Ireland). Prior to that, for almost 10 years, Endija worked in various compliance and AML/ CFT related roles in banking, insurance, funds and asset management sectors. This experience has given Endija a broad understanding of the AML/CFT legal framework at an EU and national level and of challenges that it may present for firms and supervisors when applied in practice.