The team

Eduardo Javier Moral Prieto
Eduardo Javier Moral Prieto has been working at the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) on topics related to credit rating agencies (CRAs), corporate reporting and securitisation since 2013. Eduardo is currently coordinating the CRA policy and securitisation team which is tasked, among others, with delivering ESMA’s mandates under the Securitisation Regulation including the elaboration of various technical standards (e.g. on disclosure, STS notifications and cooperation among competent authorities) as well as their practical implementation and its coordination among national competent authorities. Previously, Eduardo worked at European Commission – DG FISMA, CRA and Audit Unit— where he participated in the development of the CRA3 and Audit Regulation. Eduardo is a Spanish national, and began his career as a supervisor in the Spanish oversight authority for auditors (ICAC) and for insurance entities and pensions funds (DGSFP).