The team

Dieter Hendrickx
Dieter Hendrickx is currently the head of prudential policy insurance at the National Bank of Belgium (NBB). He holds an MSc degree in Business Engineering and an MSc degree in Financial and Actuarial Engineering from the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium). He joined the Operational Supervision Department of the former CBFA in April 2010, after having worked for close to four years in the Value and Risk Management Department of a large bancinsurrance group in Belgium. In January 2012, he moved to the Policy and Financial Stability Department of the NBB, where he was an adviser on Solvency II related policy issues and responsible for conducting stress tests and financial stability analyses for the Belgian insurance sector. In this context, he has also been involved in several international working and project groups at the level of EIOPA, ESRB and IAIS. From May 2017 till October 2018, he was seconded as a Financial Stability Expert to the secretariat of the European Systemic Risk Board. In November 2018, he was appointed as head of prudential policy insurance at the NBB.