The team

Christy Ann Petit
Assistant Professor
Dublin City University
Former FBF Research Associate
Christy Ann Petit is an Assistant Professor at the School of Law and Government of Dublin City University (DCU) and affiliated to DCU Brexit Institute – designed to research the implications of Brexit from an academic and policy perspective. She was a Research Associate for two years at the Florence School of Banking & Finance at the European University Institute (EUI). Her research interests cover EU legal studies, financial supervision and regulation, and central banking in comparative perspectives. She defended her Ph.D. thesis on ‘An integrated system for banking supervision in the Banking Union’ at the EUI Law Department (2020), and graduated from the Ecole normale supérieure in law, economics, and business in France (2014), and in European Law from the College of Europe (2015). During her postgraduate studies, she was an intern at the European Central Bank (Single Supervisory Mechanism), at the Court of Justice of the European Union (General Court), and at the Research Centre of Saint-Cyr Military Schools.