The team

Andreas Park
Professor of Finance
University of Toronto
Andreas Park is a Professor of Finance at the University of Toronto, appointed to the Rotman School of Management and the Department of Management at UTM. He serves as the Academic Director at the FinHub, Rotman’s Financial Innovation Lab. He has served as a lab economist for the Blockchain stream at the Creative Destruction Lab (a world-leading start-up accelerator program) and advised various entities such as regulatory agencies, FinTech start-ups, and large banks. Andreas teaches undergraduate, graduate, and executive courses on payments innovation, blockchain and cryptocurrencies, decentralized finance, and financial market trading, and his current research focuses on the economic impact of technological transformations such as blockchain technology. He co-authored a design proposal for a central bank-issued digital currency, commissioned by the Bank of Canada. He’s serving on the Ontario Securities Commission’s Market Structure Advisory Committee and currently heads the Canadian Securities Administrators Data Fee Methodology Committee.