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Crossing Fintech sectoral lines and improving knowledge: reconciling policy, technical and academic perspectives on the use of AI and ML for financial supervision
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have become an increasingly integral part of central banks’ and credit institutions’ daily work and of financial market operations. Banks, insurance companies, financial regulators and supervisors constantly...
On 8th and 9th of June 2022, the Florence School of Banking and Finance will host a workshop called “Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning in finance: Applications and practices in the context of financial regulation and supervision”.
The workshop will seek to promote cross-sectoral dialogue and discussions on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) tools and applications in finance, particularly in the context of regulation and supervision. It will also focus on identifying emerging trends, assess and reflect on the impact of AI and ML on financial markets, as well as some of the current challenges, opportunities and risks faced by financial institutions, regulators and supervisors.
It will gather leading experts and academics in the field, representatives of central banks and members of European institutions and authorities to exchange and share practices, views and experiences in this area.
This event will take place on a residential basis at the EUI premises in Florence.
Participation is by invitation only.
- Thorsten Beck (Florence School of Banking and Finance)
- Iman van Lelyveld (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and De Nederlandsche Bank)
- Laura Rinaldi (European Commission, DG REFORM)
- María Sandoval (Florence School of Banking and Finance, EUI)
- Pierre Schlosser (Florence School of Banking and Finance, EUI)
- Clive Briault (Toronto Centre’s Banking Advisory Board)
- Fonkei Chan (De Nederlandsche Bank)
- Federico Crecchi (Prometeia)
- Luca Cusmano (Banca d’Italia)
- Nikita Divissenko (Florence School of Banking and Finance, RSCAS, EUI)
- Sebastian Doerr (Bank for International Settlements)
- Nout Jan Dogterom (De Nederlandsche Bank)
- Michele Filannino (Prometeia)
- Jeroen Frenken (De Nederlandsche Bank)
- Francisco Gil Almansa (Single Supervisory Mechanism)
- Paolo Giudici (University of Pavia)
- Claudia Guagliano (European Securities and Markets Authority)
- Mariska van Ham (De Nederlandsche Bank)
- Joanne Horgan (Regnology)
- Iota Kaousar Nassr (OECD)
- Lukasz Kubicki (European Central Bank)
- Rūta Merkevičiūtė (European Banking Authority)
- Jan Rauland (EIOPA)
- Alberto Rossi (Georgetown University)
- Giuseppe Sciascia (European Commission DG REFORM)
- Elena Sedano (Florence School of Banking and Finance, EUI)
- Dieter Wang (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)