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Online Debate

Better boards for better banks: the challenges ahead

An online seminar of the Challenges for Bank Board Members series.


08 February 2022

13:00 - 14:15 CET




Édouard Fernandez-Bollo (Member of the Supervisory Board, European Central Bank) will introduce and discuss the new ECB guide on fit and proper assessments for Non-Executive Directors (published and revised last December 2021).

Continuing to improve the governance of the banks will remain in the years to come a key priority of the ECB banking supervision, as structural challenges require enhanced steering capacity by the management bodies of the banks. Fit and proper assessments and reassessments are some of the key supervisory tools to deliver this priority. So, after the SSM completed last year’s revision of the ECB Guide to Fit and proper assessments and building on the very rich interactions held with the industry during this process, the SSM now turn to its practical implications, bearing in mind the perspectives of further evolutions of EU law. In this context, this online debate will:


  • Present the outline of the new Guide, which benefitted from a public consultation process, highlighting the areas which are new or were significantly developed during the revision. 
  • Explain further how the expectations of the ECB in respect of this enhanced role of the management body translate into SSM's supervisory action, both within regular initial Fit and proper assessments and reassessments during the tenure of appointees, in case new material facts come into light.
  • Invite a discussion on how this is expected to promote both individual and collective suitability also policy areas that will be further developed in the future, such as: promotion of diversity and consideration of climate and environmental risks


The SSM seeks to have a continued conversation with all the stakeholders on how to promote constructive progress on all these essential issues for the evolution of a strong banking sector in the coming years.


Naïs Ralaison


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Edouard Fernandez-Bollo

European Central Bank


Prof. Elena Carletti

Bocconi University


Nuno Manuel da Silva Amado

BCP - Banco Comercial Português, S.A.

Martin Kaspar


Scientific Organiser

Thorsten Beck

Florence School of Banking and Finance

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