Call for Expression of Interest – IT/Cyber Risks
Call for Expression of Interest
FBF Associates in IT/Cyber Risks
12 December 2022
The Florence School of Banking and Finance (Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute) is welcoming applications from experts professionally and/or scientifically active in the field of IT/cyber risks with a view to expanding and strengthening its digital finance cluster.
Interested candidates should demonstrate a keen interest in engaging with the School on a part-time basis and be committed to the School’s public good objective of fostering the development of a common culture of regulation and supervision in the European Union.
We encourage applications from experts with the following background:
- Master’s degree or higher
- At least five years of professional experience in an international context
- Teaching experience at bachelor/master/executive education level
- C2 proficiency in English
More specifically, we would welcome thematic expertise in one or more of the following areas:
- Cyber threat landscape in Europe and globally
- Developing and implementing cyber resilience strategies in the financial sector
- Technical training on cyber risk management and international cybersecurity frameworks
- Cyber testing and red-teaming
- Interaction between Cyber Risks and AML/FT
- Systemic cyber risk
- Public-private partnerships in cyber resilience
- Fintech and innovative technology and cyber risks
- ICT Third Party Risk and supervision of CTPP
- GDPR/Privacy
Although not a pre-requisite we particularly value profiles with previous experience in prudential supervision (banking/payments; insurance; financial markets).
Interested candidates should send their CV to Daria.VernonDeMars@eui.eu at their earliest convenience. CVs will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Interested experts may be contacted by our team for further clarification or indeed for further details.
For any information, do not hesitate to contact Daria.VernonDeMars@eui.eu
- Updated on: Jul 22, 2024
- Download call in pdf format (201.40 KB - pdf)
Contact person
Daria Vernon De Mars
Research Associate
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies