

Embarking on collaborative endeavours, the School partners with leading institutions and organisations for long-term initiatives. These encompass training programmes, fostering knowledge exchange, and supporting policy initiatives.

EU Supervisory Digital Finance Academy (EU-SDFA)
Duration: 2022 – 2025

Established in 2022, the EU-SDFA is a TSI flagship initiative aimed at supporting financial supervisory authorities in coping with the risks and opportunities associated with the use of advanced technologies in the financial sector. The European Commission – DG Reform has established the Academy in cooperation with the three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA – ESMA – EIOPA) and the Florence School of Banking and Finance. The EU-SDFA encompasses comprehensive training cycles and workshops enabling the acquisition of new expertise and skills, knowledge sharing and peer-to-peer exchanges within the financial supervisory community.

Learn more about this initiative.

SSM Partnership
Duration: 2022 – 2026

Established in 2022, this partnership develops a comprehensive training programme for all European banking supervisors across the Single Supervisory Mechanism. The programme, which will run for at least four years, will train about 6,000 supervisors at the European Central Bank (ECB) and at the National Competent Authorities. This collaboration supports the Single Supervisory Mechanism in delivering on its priority objectives, increasing the consistency of supervisory approaches, and, thus, becoming a key component to further integrating European banking supervision.

Learn more about this initiative.

Central Banking and Banking Supervision Executive Education Programme (CBBS)
Duration: 2023 – 2026

Established in 2023, the Central Banking and Banking Supervision Executive Education Programme (CBBS) aims to extend the skills and knowledge of central banking and banking supervision experienced professionals within the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM). The programme is designed and delivered by us, in cooperation with the Florence School of Transnational Governance, and in partnership with the European Central Bank (ECB). This unique initiative seeks to develop participants’ competencies in relation to technical and transversal issues within the world of banking and finance, as well as promote collaboration and knowledge sharing across European borders.

Learn more about this initiative.

Bank Board Academy (BBA)

The Bank Board Academy (BBA) aims to enhance the functioning of bank boards by fostering interaction with supervisors, regulators, and bank board members, as well as executives involved in boards’ lives. It equips participants, Executives and Non-Executive Directors (NEDs), with essential tools to better play their role in the design and execution of their bank’s overall strategy, ultimately promoting consistency and sound governance frameworks in banks across Europe.

Learn more about this initiative.

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