The team

Carlo Altavilla
Carlo Altavilla is Head of Bank Lending Conditions Section in the Directorate General Monetary Policy of the European Central Bank (ECB). He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Catholic University of Leuven. In his role, Carlo oversees the assessment of bank liquidity and funding conditions across the Euro area, the assessment of credit constraints, the functioning of the bank lending channel, and the calibration of standard and non-standard measures working through the banking system. He also chairs the taskforce on banking analysis for monetary policy of the Monetary Policy Committee of the European System of Central Banks. Before joining the ECB, he has taught econometrics and economic policy at the University of Naples and Université libre de Bruxelles and he has been a visiting scholar and professor at Columbia University and University College London, respectively. His research has appeared in several journals including the Journal of Money Credit and Banking, Economic Policy, and the Journal of Monetary Economics.